Our Commitment to Quality Tea

Founded in 1960, Yamashiro & Co has been producing high-quality tea at its factory in Wazuka Town, within Uji City in Kyoto Prefecture, a renowned production area for Uji tea in the Yamashiro region, known as the home of Japanese tea. What Yamashiro Bussan values most is enabling families to easily enjoy high-quality tea at home and creating moments of relaxation and comfort. Even as lifestyles change, we continue to convey new ways to enjoy tea that suit the times.

About Wazuka Town, Where Our Factory Is Located

Wazuka Town, known as the tea source village, is characterized by expansive tea fields, frequent rainfall, significant temperature differences between day and night, well-drained and fertile soil, and the blessing of the Wazuka River, an upper stream of the Kizu River. The morning river fog creates an ideal environment for tea cultivation. Wazuka Town produces about half of the Uji tea. The history of tea production in this region dates back to the Kamakura period. Utilizing the terrain, tea fields were developed using a method called mountainous land cultivation, forming the scenic landscape we see today. The tradition continues with the production of diverse and high-quality tea.

Yamashiro Bussan's Quality Supported by Tea Masters' Skills

At Yamashiro Bussan, we develop tea in cooperation with tea-producing farmers not only in Wazuka Town, where our factory is located, but also in renowned tea-producing areas nationwide. The quality of tea varies by production area, variety, and producer, resulting in a wide range of aromas, flavors, and colors.
Moreover, as an agricultural product, tea is influenced by the climate and temperature of the year, meaning it does not always achieve the same quality. To stabilize the quality of these tea leaves, the skill of tea masters in "aigumi" (blending), who use their eyes, nose, tongue, and hands to understand the characteristics of the leaves and blend them, is indispensable. At Yamashiro Bussan, we will continue to provide delicious tea through the high skills of our tea masters and thorough quality control.