Aderia Retro
Aderia Retro
Aderia Retro


The ADERIA RETRO Series is a re-creation of our old printed glass designs that were popular in the 1960s and 70s, during the mid-Showa era. This line became one of the best-selling products in Japan in recent years. The printed patterns are mostly flowers, and many young people like them.
In creating this re-creation, we prioritized making it easy to use in modern life, rather than just a simple reproduction. We modified the shape to be more user-friendly, ensuring it fits seamlessly into daily life and can be used for a long time.

The Japanese concept of “kawaii” (cute) and recent aesthetic nostalgia

The Japanese concept of "kawaii" (cute) has a deep-rooted cultural significance that goes beyond just being adorable. It often includes small, delicate, and colorful elements, evoking joy and warmth. Not limited to children, "kawaii" is also a design choice embraced by adults "Kawaii" appears in many aspects of Japanese culture, from fashion and pop culture to everyday items.
Recently, there has been a trend in Japan towards retrospective design and aesthetic nostalgia, especially from the Showa era (1926-1989). This movement, often called "retro" or "Showa retro," reflects a longing for the simplicity and charm of earlier times. The integration of these retro elements with the enduring "kawaii" culture creates a unique blend that resonates with both older generations and younger ones who appreciate timeless charm.